澳门威尼斯人APP下载状态 participating in New Initiative to Address the Manufacturing Industry’s 劳动力短缺和技能差距危机


位于密歇根州., — 中小企业, the national nonprofit committed to accelerating new manufacturing technology adoption and building North America’s manufacturing talent and capabilities, announced a new initiative today involving a partnership with 社区 和技术学院 to address the urgency of revitalizing manufacturing’s industrial base, growing the industry’s talent pipeline, and enhancing the skills and productivity of manufacturing workers.

制造业势在必行——劳动力管道挑战 (MI-WPC)将于今年秋季推出,并结合了行业和劳动力专业知识 中小企业的教育方案和创新的一组精选的美国.S. 社区 和技术学院. 该计划建立了对制造业职业的认识, optimizes workforce systems and accelerates the education and skill development needed 将个人安置在能维持家庭生计的工作岗位上.

“I am pleased to celebrate 中小企业’s newest initiative, the Manufacturing Imperative – 劳动力管道挑战,帮助解决国家面临的劳动力危机 我们的制造业.S. 教育部助理部长艾米 劳埃德. “我们感谢中小企业的领导和团结全国的意愿 制造商的声音与我们国家的社区和技术学院一起 address local and regional labor market needs and support efforts to invest in America 让年轻人和成年人为好工作做好准备.”

Through the Workforce Pipeline Challenge, 中小企业 will work with schools to conduct a labor analysis of the local, regional, and state landscape; develop and expand sector strategies to attract new populations – particularly those under-served and under-represented in the workforce; and implement new programs, curriculum and applicable certifications to develop skilled individuals that are ready to hire for the vast array of growing, 制造业的空缺职位.

Jeannine Kunz, 中小企业’s chief workforce development officer, explained the key motivation behind launching the initiative: “中小企业, along with many other industry organizations, understands that manufacturing is a critical engine of America’s economic strength 国家安全在我们经济的几乎每一个领域都发挥着作用. 它是 our responsibility to support the development of a diverse and qualified talent pool by stepping up our efforts and investments to strengthen the manufacturing supply 与技术熟练的个人建立联系. 只有这样,我们才能确保我们的工业 基地现在和未来都保持弹性.” 

的 Workforce Pipeline Challenge is a three-year pilot program with a goal to attract 1,000 individuals at each of the initial 25 participating 社区 and technical colleges annually, resulting in 75,000 or more qualified workers in pursuit of manufacturing 职业生涯. 该行业劳动力增长对经济的影响 Way是60亿美元. 在整个项目中确定的最佳实践将被分享 nationally to help other programs implement innovative solutions to grow local economies, 减少就业障碍,填补空缺的制造业岗位.

的 partnership between 中小企业 and the initial institutions will leverage a strong alliance 国家先进技术中心联盟(NCATC). 克雷格•McAtee NCATC’s executive director shares that “any advanced manufacturing, workforce development initiative led by 中小企业 is top-notch and impactful for education, students, and employers across America – NCATC is inspired to be a partner on the 中小企业 Manufacturing Imperative -劳动力渠道挑战.”

“我们很高兴与教育合作伙伴,特别是我们的社区合作 技术学院是我们社区的劳动力引擎. 目前 these institutions enroll more than 40% of all undergraduate students in higher education, as well as engage hundreds of thousands of adult learners in non-traditional programs,” 博士说. 黛布拉·沃尔泽,中小企业政府和劳动力伙伴关系主管 领导了这个项目. “我们很兴奋,也很谦卑,这些机构已经 接受挑战,共同解决行业的当务之急. We will leverage the ideas and welcome the support from this dedicated cohort and others in our collective manufacturing 社区 as we set out to solve our nation’s workforce 危机.”

Just a few of the institutions selected to participate in the challenge include Wallace State and Calhoun 社区 Colleges (AL), Daley College from the City Colleges of Chicago (IL), WSU Tech (KS), Grand Rapids and Schoolcraft 社区 Colleges (MI), Wake Tech 社区 College (NC), Columbus State and Lorain 社区 Colleges (OH), Tulsa 社区 College (OK), Greenville Technical College (SC), Pellissippi State 社区学院(TN),孤星社区学院(TX)和帕特里克 & 亨利社区 大学(VA). 这些学院都承诺了一套特定的要求,证明 commitment to this national approach to pipeline development and to implementing innovative 解决长期存在的行业挑战. 他们的集体声音将 同时为立法、政策和资金提供信息. 基于项目的集体成功, 中小企业 looks forward to expanding this initiative beyond the initial 25 pilot institutions as there are many outstanding programs throughout the United States making a difference 每一天.

Dr. 谢丽·尤塔什,华盛顿州立大学理工学院国家航空中心的主席,即将到来 chair of the MI-WPC President’s Council expressed her excitement around this program. “WSU Tech is proud to support the Manufacturing Imperative-Workforce Pipeline Challenge 与中小企业合作,”她说. “创造一支受过良好教育的劳动力队伍来满足需求 of our manufacturing industries across the nation is a challenging issue and critical 对我们的国家安全. 我们很自豪能够继续从事这项建设工作 a qualified talent pipeline with others across the nation in this crucial initiative.”

Dr. 维姬P. 澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立社区学院院长卡罗维克斯补充说:“那里 不是更关键的时刻积极参与点燃制造 劳动力管道.  澳门威尼斯人APP下载州立大学正积极与中小企业和NCATC进行重新设计 and expand programs and career pathways to develop, upskill, and retool the manufacturing 未来的管道. 行业4.正在制造环境中创造快速的变化, 社区大学在培养美国劳动力方面处于领先地位 未来.”

“We are honored to partner with these forward-thinking educational institutions to address the multifaceted manufacturing challenges at the local, regional, and state 水平,”博士说. 蒂莫西·威尔逊是中小企业项目的研究负责人. “通过这 strategic collaboration, we aim to integrate 中小企业's national insights with the invaluable 大学及其社区联盟的本地和区域专业知识. 我们的 goal is not just to enhance the workforce and its system, but to truly understand 提升每个机构的独特优势. 通过识别,提炼,和 disseminating best practices, we hope to address a pressing national imperative: to 培养和维持一支有弹性的制造业劳动力队伍.”

For more information on the Workforce Pipeline Challenge, or to learn more about opportunities 要参与和支持该计划,请访问 http://train.toolingu.com/MI-WPCPR.


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